If you're a novice to the Legislature, you may not know anything about the 22nd Legislative District. Here's a map:
As you can imagine, this is a very Democratic district. As in, a Republican hasn’t served in that district since…well before I was born. Nevertheless, I’m excited about working on this campaign. From what I can tell, Jason is a great candidate. I’m grateful we have a Republican candidate for this open seat.
The constituents in this district (my district) are composed of many state government employees with the capital here. The public employee unions have a lot of influence in this area, and have already chosen their candidate for the position. Mark, Hearn’s campaign manager, says this campaign reminds him of the race in Massachusetts for the late Ted Kennedy’s seat. I can see that, on a smaller scale.
This is an opportunity not only to show voters they have another option from the status quo of bigger government, but also selfishly for me to get more experience on a campaign, and my own district.